Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's been a while...

It has been almost a whole year since I wrote anything, so instead of writing to catch everything up, I'm pretty much going to start over. My goal is to write a little bit about our day each day so that those of our family who can't see us every day can check up on us.

Today has been a pretty good day. Mostly just hanging out with Atreyu and a couple of the kids that I watch. Pretty much how everyday goes for me. Atreyu absolutely loves having friends come over. When we go for a few days without having kids here, he starts getting clingy and grumpy. He's much happier when he has others to play with, and so am I. I love to play with all of them, but sometimes if I need a minute to get something done quickly, he's being kept busy by the other kids.

Tonight Tyler wasn't home to help me with Atreyu while I made dinner, so I had to get creative to keep him occupied while I made dinner so that he wasn't crying at my feet to be held or entertained the whole time. So I put some water and soap in the kitchen sink and let him "wash the dishes". pretty much a container and his cup and a couple other little things.

 He discovered that the brush had a suction cup on the other end. He thought it was pretty cool to get it to stick to the bottom of the sink.

 I finally got him to look at me. He pretty much ignored me the entire time lol.
And needless to say, EVERYTHING was soaked. His clothes, the floor. But he was happy, and I got to make supper in peace (also while laughing at him).

Then at bath time, he decided to make a game of getting in and out of the tub, and he even tried to dive into it head first a couple of times. Then when he was finished, he looks at me, gives me a huge grin, and his naked little body runs out of the bathroom and all through the house as fast as he could as I chased him down with a towel. He thought it was pretty grand.

So that is how our day went. Now I need to clean the kitchen and shower and get to bed. Good night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More from February

So on the 2nd of february, Atreyu gave Tyler and I a really nice suprise! Here it is...
Tyler and I went to a Fire meeting (He's on the local volunteer fire department) and this meeting was for the volunteers and their spouses. We couldn't get a sitter that night so Atreyu came with us. Well, at the end of the meeting they had refreshments, (Tyler was also really sick with the flu this night) so we were getting ready to go, and as I'm putting on my coat, I look down to see Atreyu crawling towards me! I was so astonished, I knew it was going to be happening soon, but you never actually realize that it just all of a sudden happens. Now he walks around all of the furniture in the living room, and has even gotten brave enough to use the wall for support for a few steps. I'm hoping the walking won't start for at least another month or two, but we shall see. He's definitely going to be an early walker.

Here he is walking along the tv stand (and stepping in his race track)

Once in a while he re-discovers his tongue, and this is all you see all day long.

I made edible finger paints (vanilla pudding with food coloring). Even at nine months he still had fun making a mess. of course he discovered how yummy making a mess was, and I just missed him licking his tray. It was way to cute but I could not get in on camera for the life of me. 

Playing with his exersaucer. He doesn't want to be in it but he will play on the outside of it. He also hangs off of the top bars of it. Its pretty funny to watch. 

Relief Society get together last month

So its been a little bit since I have blogged, because I have totally had writers block. I have wanted to blog, and then gotten busy, or not known what to say. So tonight I was in the shower and realized that I went to an amazing Relief Society activity last month and I should say something about it. Last month, my Relief Society held a "Tip Night". Basically we all came to the meeting with some little tid bits of information that made life easier for us. Some of the tips that really called out to me were:

1. Spray your panty hose with hair spray before putting them on. You won't get any runs in them then. 

2. You know when you forget to check your pockets and your lip balm (or like it) goes through the wash then the dryer? Well apparently if you wash all the clothes that have that nasty stain on it with a can of coke in the wash, all those nasty stains will go bye-bye!!! ( I thought that one to be super cool, since I am totally guilty of forgetting to check my pockets)

3. A cup of vinegar in your washer with your clothes makes a better fabric softener than store bought fabric softeners! imagine that! The best part? You don't have to sort all those clothes that can't be washed with fabric softener. (like bamboo fabrics). (vinegar will also take out that sour towel smell when your teenagers don't hang up their towels.

And there are so many more wonderful tips.

Like did you know you can actually make your own laundry soap?

They had a scribe there, so they were able to write everything down and email it out to all of us, so here is the full tip sheet.

T.I.P.S. from 4th Ward Relief Society Sisters
Kitchen Tips:
·      For easy pouring of soups into ziplock freezer bags, place bag into a juice pitcher and over the sides, then you have 2 hands free to pour the soup into the bag.    Lay the sealed bag on a cookie sheet to freeze, then the freezer meal can be stacked in the freezer.
·      Cook bacon in the oven:  Place tin foil over a cookie sheet, arrange bacon, cook in 400 degree oven 10 -15 minutes
·      Empty dishwasher first thing in the morning, then you have somewhere to continue to ‘hide’ dirty dishes until you have a full load.
·      During meal prep,  fill the sink with hot sudsy water and wash as you go – reduces clean-up time
·      When baking peanut butter cookies or some other ‘sticky’ ingredient, crack the egg in the measuring cup first, swirl it around before you add to the mixing bowl, then measure the peanut butter and it will slide out of the measuring cup
·      Use the Foodsaver Jar Sealer attachment to dry pack in mason jars, ie:  raisins, nuts –
Can be purchased through London Drugs or through www.sears.ca
·      Wide mouth plastic jar lids can be purchased in same aisle as screwband and mason jar lids – use these after your jar’s seal has been opened – and you need to store jam/fruit in fridge.
·      Small jelly mason jars are great for sending ¼ cup of homemade applesauce in older kids’ lunches
·      Fill empty mason jars with water – you will have water storage and won’t waste shelf space with empty jars.
·      Freeze apple slices for pies by lining a pie plate with plastic wrap, filling pie plate with apples, cover & freeze; once frozen remove from pie plate and transfer to a Ziploc bag and return to freezer.  You will have the right shape of apple pie filling to place in your pie shell when you want to bake a pie!
·      Babyfood plastic containers can be recycled into individual jello cups.
Recommended Kitchen Gadgets:
Strawberry huller – tweezer style, Crinkle cutter from $ store for cutting carrots, cukes
Pampered Chef Small Scoop for cookie dough & Strawberry Huller (extra small melon scoop with teeth) and small scraper – scrapes off gunk without scratching and the large Crinkle cutter – not only cuts veggies, but can be used to make wavy icing on sides of cakes.
 silicone muffin pans - muffins can be popped out when done & pan will clean up in dishwasher w/out scrubbing
Crown Food Equipment Ltd 3655 18th Ave N. Lethbridge – has all kinds of chef supplies and is open to the public – giant metal scraper/cutter with wooden handle, cookie scoopers, tomato knives
Onion pick for safe slicing of onions, small glass measuring cup for multiple teaspoon measurements
Apple corer/slicer –  put apple ‘back’ together then wrap in saran wrap for kids’ lunches. 
Silicon spatula – heat resistant
Pie shell plastic zippered bag:  place pastry dough into bag, close zipper, start rolling out dough through the plastic – bag will keep dough within circumference size.
Baking Soda Tips
Use a baking soda paste to remove crayon off walls, removing kool-aid stains from kitchen counters, cleaning the fridge inside & out,
Cleaning garborators & drains: pour ½ c. baking soda down drain, then vinegar. Plug drains for a few minutes, pour boiling water down drain
Orange & lemon peels also clean out garborators.
Silverware: line a tray with tinfoil, put baking soda paste on utensils & cover with boiling water.  The baking soda has a chemical reaction with the tinfoil which removes the tarnish from silverware.
Julia’s All-duty de-gunker: In a spray bottle, combine ½ tsp. baking soda, 2 tsp. borax, ½ tsp. liquid soap and 2 c. hot water
No-scrub toilet sparker: Sprinkle ½ cup baking soda into the bowl, then pour in 1 cup vinegar.  When the fizzing stops, just swirl around with a toilet brush to leave the bowl shiny!
Breathe-easy oven cleaner: Combine ¼ cup baking soda, 2 Tbs. salt and enough hot water to make a paste.  Rub the paste inside the oven, keeping off wires and heating elements; let sit for 5 minutes, then wipe to reveal a shining oven!
Stain Removers
ink or chocolate stains :  Hairspray – spray on then rub away
Bloodstains: soak garment in cold water with salt in it it
Stains that have been locked in with dryer heat:   re-wash garment in 1 can of coke mixed in with the lowest water level on washer
Coke also will remove tar from cars and bugs on windshield
Lipstick stains: Use Irish Spring like an eraser then wash garment in washer
Underarm Sweat Stains:  add 2 tablets of Aspirin
Laundry Tips
Fabric Softener:  ½ cup white vinegar added to rinse water, also takes away sour towel smell
A product called “Smelly Towel Cleaner” may also be purchased over the internet
Make your own Laundry Soap:  We have the recipe.  Please email Shirley if you would like a copy of the Recipe.
Bounce Sheets
Use one to remove hardwater stains from glass shower doors.
Reduces static cling when rubbed on skirts or pants you are wearing
Repels mosquitoes: bounce sheets were pinned onto baby’s quilt at a picnic & the mosquitoes stayed away.
Beware that bounce sheets will leave a coating on your towels, making them less absorbant and they will also leave a film on your lint trap…wash your lint trap regularly.
Book of Mormon for Latter-Day Saint Families -   A great tool in Family Scripture Study, includes Book of Mormon text, plus some illustrations, glossary and topic quotes.
Lego clean-up:  Use a large bed sheet as a play mat.  When the children are finished playing with lego, the sheet can be gathered up and the lego poured into a large bucket.
White Boards – oops!  I used a permanent maker!   Trace over the permanent marker with a dry-erase pen, then wipe off.  Tip #2:  use a White pencil eraser
Costume jewellery storage:  Use a multi-level pant hanger.  Top rung: rings/bracelets, middle rung: shorter necklaces  Bottom rung: Long necklaces.  Hang on back of door or in closet.
Use Sunlight Bar soap for degreasing kitchen cupboard doors.  Rubbed a lathered bar of soap over door, wipe with a damp cloth.
Orange TKO – no longer available in Canada, perhaps in U.S.?  Removed blueberry stained vomit from carpet!
How to prepare an Avocado without peeling it: cut all around the avocado, then twist & pull apart.  Spoon out the pit, then scoop out the contents.  If you need to store guacamole in the fridge, place the pit back into the guacamole and it will prevent it from turning grey.
Soften Hard water with Calgon
Cuts in skin:  remove the stinging with Lanolin cream
Marshall Fabrics sells microfiber cloth by the yard for inexpensive cleaning cloths, also Canadian Tire automotive section has cheap ones
Travelling tip:  Take treats in ice cream buckets with lids – you’ll always have a handy Car-sick bucket with a lid !   (Treats can be easily tossed into an empty bag)
Cleaning Game:   Wiping down door knobs:  count how many doorknobs there are upstairs!
Cleaning finger prints off of light switches:  count how many light switches we have! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little man lately.

It never ceases to amaze me at how fast babies grow. At Christmas, my son was just starting to get up on his knees and push himself backwards. Now, he can now...
Hold his own bottle
 Creep forward, (pull himself forward with his arms)
 Go from his knees to a sitting position,
 Figure out how all of his toys actually work,
 Stand up by himself in his crib,
 Stand up with the help of his toy shelf under the TV,
 Pull off all of his toys,

He has also started being around other kids more, as I am now watching a one year old, who can walk. That is what has prompted the standing. He is even trying to stand by himself. This morning when I was getting beds ready for naps, he stood up using his race track, and I'm pretty sure tried to stand up straight from there, (I say I am pretty sure because I was in the other room when I heard the thud). I run out to the living room to find him sprawled on the floor screaming. Needless to say, he had a pretty good goose egg on his head, poor little man. But I don't think that will stop him from trying to stand up. He gets really excited when he stands and he just wants to go. Now all we need is to get him to stand on his feet instead of his toes...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

last night...

So last night I had to go to Lethbridge and babysit for some people I know. (yes, I am a little old to be babysitting but it's nice to have that little extra cash). Anyways, I was going to be home really late, so I didn't bring Atreyu with me. Instead he stayed at home with his dad.

The past week, ever since Atreyu got really sick with Bronchiolitis and ear infections, he won't go to sleep easily for me anymore. He will sit in his bed and literally scream, until I finally give in and go cuddle with him. He is slowly getting better at let me put him down without cuddling him, but he is still waking in the middle of the night and needing someone to go in to re-tuck him in. ( I have a suspicion that he is teething )

Anyways, so Tyler has him, feeds him, baths him, and puts him to bed. Apparently, not a peep was heard from him after he put him in his bed. Just went to sleep. I guess I need to work on my tough love. It's just so hard when he is so cute and gives me the wettest kisses when I go in there. He totally has me wrapped around his finger. And he knows it too. But I love that I can leave him with his dad and that they get along so well and can have their bonding time. It will be harder to do that when Tyler gets his firefighting training done and he finds a department to work for. There will be nights that it will just be Atreyu and I. It will be lonely, but we will make the days when Tyler is home extra fun to make up for him being away.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

what to say?????

well, I have had this blog for a few days now, and I figured it was about time that I posted something. So.... I guess I will just start with talking about the things that I have been doing lately. Mostly I take care of Atreyu. He is so fun to watch while he plays. It's amazing at how fulfilling it is to be a mother, and to be responsible for such a beautiful baby boy. Secondly, I crochet; a lot. I make hats for Lots of Knots. It's nice to have something to do during the day besides cleaning. We all know that there is only so much cleaning a person can do in a day, let alone in a week. I am also learning how to quilt, thanks to our Ward's Relief Society quilting group. And lastly, I am teaching myself to knit. Right now I am working on knitting a sock monkey for Atreyu. So far it is going really well, but man is knitting time consuming. It took me six hours to make a 6 inch leg. I can crochet an entire hat in 45 minutes. Well, I think that is all that I have to say for now. So until next time....